Posts tagged poetry
The Green Road Between Two Woods - an evening with Andrew Rafferty

Andrew Raffety; photographer, head teacher, and polymath. He may disagree with that last adjective but Andrew's knowledge of ancient history, presenting and photography is immense.

He began his presentation by sketching out his childhood where cameras were extensively used by mum and dad and his brothers and sister. An early lesson in understanding camera technique, film work and getting film developed by Boots the Chemist! There are too many things to photograph - what you need is a project.

 He trained to be a teacher, he fell in with a 'witch', she had divining rods, so together they visited megalithic spiritual sights, and he began to build a body of work. He felt that a series of images should form a narrative and could be accompanied by words. This belief led to an association with Kevin Crossly-Holland, an author and poet, who eventually wrote the words for Andrew's publication The Stones Remain, now both available as a printed book and an ibook.

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