The Photography of David Morris

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

 Last evening's presentation was by the internationally known photographer David Morris. David, who lives in Cromer, began by talking about how his career in photography began. He called the opening part of his presentation 'Made in Hull'. He told of how he studied graphic design at Hull College of Art in the early seventies and how this course taught him something but at the time of his graduation he found that he knew more about photography than graphic design! This because of a good photography tutor.

 We saw some pictures taken at the time of his studies in and around Hull, the streets, the bomb damage, demonstrations and pub interiors often featuring Hull fishermen.

 He went out early one morning with a tripod into the dock area of Hull and took a series of photos to depict the life, industry and architecture of this eastern seaboard port. He confessed that he had never used a tripod before and was not at all sure about his settings for the photos. But good fortune arrived and in 2017 Hull became City of Culture and David's pictures of the old industrial Hull became not only relevant as record shots of times past but works of art in themselves. Several were mounted on special supports beside the water to inform visitors of times past and how Hull had moved forward.

He moved to London and worked for Hook Norton Brewery, Oxford, as a photographer and graphic designer. He was learning a trade. He displayed examples of his craft - stunning photographs and outstanding graphics.

 Dave followed this by describing his work for his publication 'A Study of Bars, Cafes and Food Halls'. Interior shots of these buildings on the continent made in difficult lighting conditions and sometimes producing Hopperesque images (Hopper was also a graphic designer).

 Dave concluded with a collection of images 'Limelight and Shadows' taken at the Great Yarmouth Circus. A stunning collection of circus performers limbering up and preparing for their entrances. A collection of beautiful images.

 An evening of outstanding craftsmanship. Our thanks to Dave for an excellent presentation.

Bar LIfe - image copyright of David Morriis