NDPS Message Board

The objective of the NDPS Members’ Message Board is to impart information and facilitate communication efficiently whilst saving members the time and hassle involved in sorting through emails etc. to learn about activities and other matters that solely affect members of the Society. Messages posted on the Board will also in some cases be posted automatically to the NDPS Members’ Only Facebook Page. This means that those members who are not on Facebook will now be able to receive the messages that currently are only seen by those members who use Facebook for example information about the monthly photographic challenge.
The Board can also be used by a member(s) who wants to share information with other members. For example to give details about a shoot they are organising or simply to advertise a piece of kit they want to sell. All they have to do is send an email to the Secretary with a suitable image and it will get posted on the Board for everyone to see

Finally, because the Board is in the ‘Members’ Area’ of the website (and password protected) anything posted can only be read by members of the Society.

The most recent post appears at the top of the list…